Auto Electrical System Repairs & Diagnosis
Your car needs to be able to transfer power from the battery to the starter in order for your engine to start. Your car also most likely has a ton of features that rely on your car’s electrical system.
Car won’t start and You think it’s an electrical issue?
Here are some common symptoms of electrical problems:
- 1. Your car is making a clicking noise when trying to start. Or the engine is having trouble cranking- This could be a battery or starter issue. Or it could lead back to your alternator which is not charging your battery properly. If you haven’t replaced your battery in some time it could be a simple battery problem. If it is not a simple case of you needing a new battery then, this would require our level 2 diagnostic service to properly diagnose the issue.
2. Your headlights or brake lights are burning dimly.- Not enough power is going to your lights. It is recommended that you check your alternator belt.
- 3. Smells of burning plastic- never ignore the smell of burning plastic in your car’s cabin. This could indicate loose wires that are vital to your electrical system. If you car is older there is a higher chance that there are some corroded wire casings in your wiring.
4. Missing or blown fuses- blown fuses are a sign that a fuse is drawing too much current. It could be an intermittent issue or it could be a more severe issue with your electrical system. It’s important to get to the root of the problem.
How to find out what is wrong.
In order to diagnose problems with cars we have to plug into your car’s computer with our diagnostic tools. This often will give us a code to start diagnosing your vehicles issues. Just because we know what part is broken it often takes more tracing and investigation to get to the root cause of the problem.
This is why we have 3 levels of auto diagnostics that gives us a system to diagnose the problem properly. We will try to lead on in the direction of long term fixes that will require minimal maintenance.
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Areas We Serve
Ebers Street Garage services customers for car electrical repair and diagnosis in :
San Diego, Ocean Beach, Point Loma, Missional hills, pacific beach, loma portal, liberty station, little italy, 92107, 92108, 92109, 92110, 92140, 92105, 92106, 92101.