Brake Service & Repair San Diego
How do you know if it’s time to replace your vehicle’s brake pads?
If you notice that you car’s brakes are either squealing or having difficulty stopping then you should consult our services. As a necessary function and biggest safety factor of the car, you should want to maintain your brake systems and components. Most often if your brakes are squealing, squeaking or grinding it is time to replace your brake pads or a combination of your brake pads and rotors.
Most often if your brakes are squealing, squeaking or grinding it is time to replace your brake pads or a combination of your brake pads and rotors.
How often do brakes and pads need to be serviced?
Brake pads are the part of your brakes that need to be replaced most often. There are lots of variables that come into play on brake pad wear. Size of the vehicle, general use of vehicle, city or highway usage etc. The general rule of thumb is that your brake pads should be replaced between every 20,000 and 60,000 miles. Brake pads are usually made from a hard rubberized material or ceramic. Ceramic brake pads typically last longer but are more expensive.

What are the main components of vehicle brake systems?
We are qualified to work on brake systems on all eras of cars. Most modern vehicles rely on anti-lock brake systems that have many components. Fluid hydraulic brake systems control anti-lock brakes which provide a smooth, fast and safe stopping ability of your car.
ABS uses wheel speed sensors to determine if one or more wheels are trying to lock up during braking. The components of brake systems that most often require maintenance are the brake pads, the wheel rotors, and the brake fluid change maintenance.
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If you let your pads wear down to much you risk damaging or warping your brake rotors. If you do not maintain your brakes and let the squealing go on for too long there is a chance you might need to replace your rotors or have them resurfaced.
Our Brake Repair Technology
Due to current trends, virtually all auto manufacturers now require or recommend the use of on-car technology for brake jobs.
By Matching a rotor to the hub our PFM9.2 achieves superior accuracy and speed with fitting your brake components.